
Charla and Tara (name that reference!)'s friendship hails back to the days of yore, to nursery rhymes and toys, scrunched hair and entire cakes. Now living in two different cities, sharing our urban and semi-urban adventures. Basically, conversations about low-calorie snacks and boys, with random other things sprinkled in.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

shirataki noodles alfredo revisited

so that image of the jar o' walden farms alfredo sauce was taunting me. I decided to re-create my own, since no stores around here seem to carry it.

Armed with a collection of internet recipes, I got to work. And came up with the most delicious and filling recipe EVER. Truth be told I have NEVER had "real" fettucini alredo (given the choice for fatty high calorie pasta, I'll go for carbonara any day) but this is wonderful. It doesn't have any artificial taste to it at all, it's wonderfully heavy in the way you can only be happy about when it's so low cal. The best part is it is made entirely with things I already keep in the kitchen.

Et voila:
Boil 1 pkg Shirataki noodles for a couple mins (whatever your usual routine).
Add 2-3 gourmet Laughing Cow bites, microwave for 30 secs until they soften.
Smoosh the Laughing cow bites with 1 tsp low-fat sourcream.
Add 1 tbsp-ish grated parmesan (reduced-fat, s'il vous plait).
Stir, smoosh, combine.
Salt, pepper.



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