
Charla and Tara (name that reference!)'s friendship hails back to the days of yore, to nursery rhymes and toys, scrunched hair and entire cakes. Now living in two different cities, sharing our urban and semi-urban adventures. Basically, conversations about low-calorie snacks and boys, with random other things sprinkled in.

Friday, March 10, 2006

why i am still in bed

As per a four hour conversation last night in which I managed to stay uncharacteristically calm&cool&collected, it is seeming increasingly likely that The Boy and I will perhaps be parting paths.

As a result, it is 8:17 am. On any normal day, I would already worked-out for 1 hour and 17 minutes. Why is today different from all other days? On this day I have lounged comfortably in my bed.

This lack of gym-ing does not mean I will be letting myself get fat. To the contrary, my friend, I will now have more incentive than ever. I just plan on hitting the gym when it is less crowded, for a four or five hour block this afternoon. Call me crazy, but I'm expecting to be newly-on-the-singles market.

I have bought 2 pairs of shoes and charged them to my parents' credit card. The wonders of online shopping. Retail therapy in sweatpants.

on an unrelated note, I had a paper due last night at midnight. The plan was to start it at 8, after SVU. Unfortunately, USA decided to do a total mindfuck and flip Criminal Intent with SVU, thus airing SVU from 8-9. Cleary, I still had to watch it. At 10, I realized there was not a chance in hell that I'd be finishing my paper. So I sent my professor the following email.

Subject Line: Assignment 2

Dear Professor X,
Here is my paper. Have a great weekend!
See you in class next week,

no paper attached. It bought me TONS of additional hours, at least 3 hours until after she writes back and says I didn't attach the document.

Any guy would be lucky to have a girl as brilliant as me, n'est-ce pas?



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