
Charla and Tara (name that reference!)'s friendship hails back to the days of yore, to nursery rhymes and toys, scrunched hair and entire cakes. Now living in two different cities, sharing our urban and semi-urban adventures. Basically, conversations about low-calorie snacks and boys, with random other things sprinkled in.

Monday, March 06, 2006

cool whip revisited

Another alternate partnering with our old friend, Mister Reliable, Cool Whip:
sliced bananas.

Potential menage a trois, as yet unexplored:
sliced bananas, CW, and JellO sugar-free chocolate pudding (so elusive. I haven't found it ANYwhere yet but everyone is abuzz).

I sense a Fuck, Chuck, Marry coming on:
Cool Whip
Peanut Butter?

Cool Whip
Dreyer's Slow Churned Ice Cream
Sugar-Free Hershey's Bar (aka Laxatives R' Us, beware)?


Blogger tarabeet said...

the chocolate ff pudding is, i believe, 70 cals. the elusive sf pudding is only 25.

what flavors do fruities COME in?

our fcms couldn't be more different!
marry peanut butter
fuck cool whip
chuck chocolate
(this was a TOUGH one!)

i've never had slow churned...
so i think i'd fuck AND marry cw
clearly chucking the lax choc. although i feel a bit like the lax choc and i are jack and ennis ("i wish i knew how to quit you.")

9:11 PM  

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