
Charla and Tara (name that reference!)'s friendship hails back to the days of yore, to nursery rhymes and toys, scrunched hair and entire cakes. Now living in two different cities, sharing our urban and semi-urban adventures. Basically, conversations about low-calorie snacks and boys, with random other things sprinkled in.

Friday, March 03, 2006


at what point is it better to hold something in versus making a big RR-style confrontation of it?

like, for instance, Hypothetically... if your Boyfriend's family were to be from a certain South American Country (unfortunately NOT located in Africa, contrary to popular opinion)... and if said Boyfriend had always talked about plans for Summer 06 as involving either a trip to Paris or a trip to Aforementioned Country, with Girlfriend... The Motorcycle Diaries! Sunny weather! Adventure! Romance! Excitement! A place she'd never otherwise visit!... but suddenly it becomes clear that this Trip will now NOT involve Girlfriend. Rather, it will involve two Male Friends. It has been made palpably clear that Girlfriend no longer factors into Summer Plans.

would it be right to say something? Not that Girlfriend would even WANT to go anymore given that he clearly doesn't want her to.

But still, I feel hurt. do I suck it up and not say a peep, or confront him about it? Either way, I won't be going, so it seems not-worthwhile to say something...


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