
Charla and Tara (name that reference!)'s friendship hails back to the days of yore, to nursery rhymes and toys, scrunched hair and entire cakes. Now living in two different cities, sharing our urban and semi-urban adventures. Basically, conversations about low-calorie snacks and boys, with random other things sprinkled in.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

7 new(ish) discoveries that make me happy

1. ray ban aviators with colored-rims. now i have to decide whether to get red or white.

2. berries. so underrated! yes, they're high in sugar, but SUCH bang for your caloric buck. lately have been loving strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries.

3. re-discovery: waffles for breakfast. i have a eggo multigrain (70) with 1 tsp of butter (33), which is just enough to cover every nook&cranny, and it's v. filling. you mentioned a 60-calorie waffle in your maple syrup post? what brand is it?

4. at-home hair glazes! i've tried the john frieda hair glaze (lovely, added SUBTLE color and some shine) and just tried the oscar blandi luce glaze for the first time this morning (softer.. and shiner..). even if the effects are all psychological, i love them anyway.

5. neutrogena moistureshine lip soother cooling hydragel (minty flavor), with spf 20, in GREAT colors. shiny but not sticky.

6. sage roll-on perfume oil. perfect size for your purse (even a small lv pochette), adorable packaging, doesn't smell like what everyone else is wearing. i bought one in pearl, my mom bought onyx.

7. re-discovery: sex and the city season five. love carrie's hair.



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