
Charla and Tara (name that reference!)'s friendship hails back to the days of yore, to nursery rhymes and toys, scrunched hair and entire cakes. Now living in two different cities, sharing our urban and semi-urban adventures. Basically, conversations about low-calorie snacks and boys, with random other things sprinkled in.

Monday, May 01, 2006

this will make you feel WAY better re: any issues you may be having with guys

It certainly made my own problems PALE in comparison, and underscores that I really just don't understand men and probably never will.

In high school, I used to baby-sit for the cutest little girl on the planet. She was totally precocious and hysterical. I was in love with her, and with her parents (cutest couple ever! attractive! sweet! wonderful!), and their house, and their dog, and their life. I wanted to be them. So much so that when I researched a couple for my "Composing A Life After College" class, they were it. She was my mentor, helped me get an internship, recommended the best pilates studio in town, was always fashionable and adorable. I loved that She had successfully managed to have a child, stay home with her, and transition her work to freelance things that She could do largely from home. They clearly had a wonderful relationship, He and She, and the love they felt for one another was really evident all the time, and I wanted that sort of life for myself, someday. They were friends with my parents (though younger), and we saw a lot of them.

Then they moved to another City (better job opportunities for Him). They had another, adorable baby. Suddenly, out of nowhere, He wants a divorce. She is mystified. He moves out. She can't move back to NY, because He has visitation rights. She is trapped in new City she went to because of him. She has no idea what happened or why. She wants to try therapy. He does not. She asks, is there someone else? He says, no. She asks, Why? He says He does not love Her anymore.

This was about 4 months ago, Xmastime. She still has not figured out what in the world happened. The kids are devastated. She is devastated.

She googles him, today. He has a MySpace page. All his MySpace friends are 18 year old girls. He is "in a relationship" with one of these 18year old girls. He lists his children as his "heroes" and quotes cheesy lovesongs to his New Girlfriend.

Is that not the worst story you've ever heard in your LIFE?!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

that's pretty screwed up. things like that happen constantly though...depressing; makes a person pretty cynical.

-random guy

7:38 PM  
Blogger tarabeet said...

i guess things like that do happen frequently, but this really got to me on SO many levels.

It wasn't just that they looked so happy from the outside, or that she had no idea that there was anything wrong with their relationship.. or that you don't think it will happen to someone you know, or to a woman who is beautiful & nurturing & lovely.. but that what he ultimately wanted (i.e. an 18year old) was so dramatically different than what he had had and ostensibly been happy with only 6 months ago.

9:16 PM  

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