
Charla and Tara (name that reference!)'s friendship hails back to the days of yore, to nursery rhymes and toys, scrunched hair and entire cakes. Now living in two different cities, sharing our urban and semi-urban adventures. Basically, conversations about low-calorie snacks and boys, with random other things sprinkled in.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

attempts at conversion

1. as per a convo with K (details to come), I resolved that in order to meet a new boy, I should be friendly to anyone even remotely attractive, even if they're not my type per se. After a quick pedicure yesterday (Bordeaux), I saw two twentysomething guys approaching. I have a thing for guys in suits, so I smiled at them as we passed one another.

"Excuse me?" I heard one say.

"Yes?" I batted my eyelashes. In between batting, I noticed that their suits were not exactly stylish looking. Regardless. I smiled.

"We're missionaries from the Church of Christ," one began.

"Um. Sorry! Not interested!" and off I went. Because really, what's the point of dating someone if there's not even the *chance* of premarital sex?

2. For the past month or so, I've been getting emails from Liberty University (click on the dots for more info, but basically it's the school that Jerry Falwell started). I've requested twice to be removed from their mailing list, but apparently to no avail. (Please note that her initial email was sent in size 36-font, bright blue.)

>Happy Easter
> from the
> Liberty University family!
> May Your family have a very blessed Easter as we celebrate the Life of
> our Risen Lord!

Take me off your mailing list. I have already requested this twice.

> We just received a $250 deposit from you towards your account on April
> 1st.
> I can decline your application but in order to receive the $250 deposit
> request we need written documentation stating that you've made other
> plans besides Liberty University and that you are requesting your
> deposit back.
> Have a blessed Easter.
> Thanks!

Absolutely not. There was no deposit made on my account.

Consider this your written documentation.

P.S. I'm Jewish.

>I greatly apologize. If you are located in Oxford, MD, please contact
>me regarding your account, if not, please disregard this email.
>I have already put a stop on your email account.
>All can be saved, even those who have not yet accepted Jesus Chris our savior. Thanks


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