
Charla and Tara (name that reference!)'s friendship hails back to the days of yore, to nursery rhymes and toys, scrunched hair and entire cakes. Now living in two different cities, sharing our urban and semi-urban adventures. Basically, conversations about low-calorie snacks and boys, with random other things sprinkled in.

Friday, June 09, 2006

2 outta 3 is bad

(Since it seems like he will be featured in many upcoming posts, I'm dubbing A's boyfriend The Wasp.)

The Wasp took us out for drinks earlier this week to console us about the hellhole apartments we had been seeing- tiny bedrooms, moldy bathrooms, the T rushing past windows & literally knocking down a picture frame. There had to be something better, right?

'You guys will definitely find something good. Definitely,' The Wasp proclaims.

'How are you so sure?' ask I, naively.

'Because A has a great boyfriend, and you have a great job... so you'll both find a great apartment!'

'Huh? What do those have to do with anything?'

He clears his throat as if imparting great Wisdom, smiles proudly to be In The Know, that his knowledge will be comforting his girlfriend and her friend, that he can be the allknowing and allhelpul Man. 'Everyone knows you can only have two out of three at a time. Great relationship, great job, great apartment. So you guys will be SET on the apartment!' He smiles. He is clearly pleased with himself. He thinks he has solved our problem. He thinks he has reassured us.

'Wait, that means that I'll never find a job!' A wails.

It dawns on me. 'That means I'll never find a BOYFRIEND, you jerk!'

His smile fades. He stammers. 'Uh, well, uh...'

Let's hope his retarded logic does not prove true, because I now have a fabulous job (to start July 24, we will have to do birthday festivities before I leave), a wonderful apartment (so charming, so perfect for dinner parties & visits from CB, so in a great location, A so has a closet for a room), and... ?


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