So sugar-free Jell-O is all the rage, and I noticed you mentioned it in your Ode to Cool Whip (not as good as your high-school-era Ode To JR, which, as I recall, was rhyming, witty, and utterly offensive), but I have to say, I have serious issues here.
I want to like it, really I do (I mean, hell-O, Jell-O is only 10 calories! How can you *not* want to like it?!)! But every time I try it, memories of Jell-O shots come flooding back. I can practically taste the vodka. And lest I remind you of Valentine's Day '02, most often referred to as The Apocalypse, in which the excessive consumption of said Jell-O singlehandedly undermined my entire fledgling relationship.
The only flavor I can stand is Strawberry-Kiwi. Do you have any recommendations?
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